मित [mita] p.p. p. p. p. [मि मा-वा-क्त]
Measured, meted or measured out.
Measured off, bounded, defined.
Limited, measured, moderate, little, scanty, sparing, brief (words &c.); पृष्टः सत्यं मितं ब्रूते स भृत्योऽर्हो महीभुजाम्
[Pt.1.87;] [R.9.34.] Measuring, of the measure of (at the end of comp.), as in ग्रहवसुकरिचन्द्रमिते वर्षे i. e. in 1889.
Investigated, examined.
Cast, thrown away.
Established, founded. -Comp.
-अक्षर a.
brief, measured, short, concise; कथंचिदद्रेस्तनया मिताक्षरं चिरव्यवस्थापितवागभाषत
[Ku.5.63.] composed in verse, metrical. (-रा) N. of a celebrated commentary by Vijñāneśvara on Yājñavalkya's Smṛiti. -अर्थa. of measured meaning.
-अर्थकः a cautious envoy.-आहार a. sparing in diet. (-रः) moderation in eating.-द्रुः the sea.
-भाषिन्, -वाच् a. a. speaking little or measured words; महीयांसः प्रकृत्या मितभाषिणः
[Śi.2.13.] -भुक्त a. moderate in diet.
-मति a. a. narrow-minded.-व्ययिन् a. frugal, economical.