धरण mn. (
1. Holding, possessing, having.
2. A sort of measure, a weight of ten Palās.
3. A weight of silver, sixteen Māshās.
m. (
1. The Himālayā mountain considered as king of mountains. 2. The sun.
3. A world.
4. A breast, a female breast.
5. Rice.
6. A ridge of land answering the purpose of a bridge, the edge of a river, the skirt of a mountain, a bridge.
f. (
1. The earth.
2. The silk cotton tree.
3. A vessel of the body.
4. An esculent root.
E. धृ to hold, to uphold or support, affix
युच्, भावे ल्युट्, fem, affix
ङीप् . ROOTS:
धृ युच् भावे ल्युट् ङीप् .