Dictionaries | References


   { mahendra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   one of the holy mountains. this mountain has great Purāṇic importance.
(1) after slaughtering the Kṣatriyas to extinction sage Paraśurāma made Mahendra his place of abode. [Śloka 53, Chapter 129, Ādi Parva] .
(2) once arjuna visited the mountain Mahendra. [Śloka 13, Chapter 214, Ādi Parva] .
(3) The presiding deity of this mountain sits in the court of Kubera worshipping him. [Śloka 30, Chapter 10, Sabhā Parva] .
(4) if one bathes in the pond of Rāmatīrtha on the top of this mountain one would get the benefit of performing an Aśvamedhayāga. [Śloka 16, Chapter 85, Vana Parva] .
(5) Brahmā once went to this mountain and conducted a yāga there. [Śloka 22, Chapter 87, Vana Parva] .
(6) Yudhiṣṭhira during his pilgrimage visited this mountain. [Śloka 30, Chapter 114, Vana Parva] .
(7) Paraśurāma gave a darśana (interview) to Yudhiṣṭhira on a Caturdaśī day on this mountain. [Śloka 16, Chapter 117, Vana Parva] .
(8) Hanūmān when he was going in search of Sītā visited this mountain also along with the other monkeys. [Sundara Kāṇḍa, Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa] .
MAHENDRA I   father of the princess Pāṭalī. (see under Pāṭalīputra).


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
महेन्द्र  m. am. the great इन्द्र, [AV.] &c. &c. (also applied to विष्णु [[R.] ] and शिव [[Śivag.] ])
   a partic. star, [VP.]
सर्व-देवानाम्   a great chief or leader (), [Nal.]
सर्व देवानाम्
   a partic. high number, [Buddh.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a younger brother (or son) of अशोक (who carried the buddhist doctrine into ceylon), [MWB. 59]
   of another prince (= कुमार-गुप्त), [Inscr.]
   of a poet, [Cat.]
आचार्य   of various other writers and teachers (also with and सूरि), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.
   of a mountain or range of (said to be one of the 7 principal chains in india, and sometimes identified with the northern parts of the Ghats), [MBh.] ; ---10--- &c.
   of a place, [MW.]
महेन्द्र   b &c. see col. 1: p. 802, col. 1">p. 802, col. 1.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
महेन्द्र  m.  (-न्द्रः) indra, the ruler of Swarga.
   2. A range of mountains, one of the seven principal chains in Bhārata-Barsha or india, and apparently the northern part of the Ghāts of the peninsula.
   E. महा chief, great, इन्द्र the deity.

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