कुमार r. 10th cl. (
कुमारयति) To play, especially as a child also
कुमार m. (
1. A boy, one under five years of age.
2. A name of KARTIKEYA.
3. A prince, the heir apparent, and who is associated to the empire, (in theatrical language.)
4. A horse-man, a caval- ier.
5. A parrot.
6. One of the attendants on the twenty-four Jinas, and also a sanctified character amongst the Jaina sect.
7. A tree, (Tapia cratæva) see
वरुण8. A name of Sindhu river or Indus.
n. (
-रं) Pure gold.
f. (
1. A young girl, one from ten to twelve [Page189-b+ 60] years old, a virgin: or in the Tantras any virgin to the age of sixteen, or as long as menstruation has not commenced.
2. A name of DURGA.
3. The central part of the universe according to Hindu geography, Jambu Dwipa or India.
4. The most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent, or of Jambu Dwipa, the southern extremity of the peninsula, whence Cape Comorin or Kumari.
5. The name of a river flowing from the mountain Sactiman.
6. A plant, (Clitoria ternatea:) see
7. Double jasmin.
8. The aloe tree, (Aloes perfoliata:) see
9. The Syama, a bird so named.
E. कुमार to play as a child, affix
अच् fem. affix