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   { नॄ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निस्-√ तॄ   P.-तरति (ind.p.-तीर्यinf.-तर्तुम्), to come forth from, get out of. escape from (abl.), [MBh.] ;
to pass over or through, cross (sea &c.), pass or spend (time);
to overcome or master (an enemy), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to fulfil, accomplish, perform (promise, vow &c.), ib.;
to suffer for, expiate (acc.), [R.] ; [BhP.] ;
(with अभियोगम्) to clear one's self from an accusation, [Yājñ.] :
Caus.-तारयति, to rescue, save, deliver from (abl.), iii, 98">[Mn. iii, 98] ;
to overcome, overpower, [Cat.] ;
Desid.-तितीर्षति &c., to wish to cross or pass over (acc.), [BhP.]
नॄ   cl. 9. P.नृणाति, to lead, xxxi, 25.">[Dhātup. xxxi, 25.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   निस्तॄ [nist]ॄ, 1 [P.]
   To pass through, cross over (fig. also); निस्तीर्णा प्रतिज्ञासरित् [Mu.1;] [Bh.3.4;] [Ve.6.36.]
   To fulfil, accomplish.
   To pass or get over, surmount, overcome; धनैरापदं मानवा निस्तरन्ति Subhās.; [R.3.7.]
   To complete, go to the end of; पितुर्नियोगाद्वनवासमेवं निस्तीर्य रामः प्रतिपन्नराज्यः [R.14.21.]
   To pass or spend (as a time).
   To expiate, atone for.
   To get out of, escape, be saved from. -Caus.
   To deliver, rescue; save; निस्तारयति दुर्गाच्च महतश्चैव किल्बिषात् [Ms.3.98.]
   नॄ [n]ॄ, 9 [P.]
   To overcome, surmount.
   To bring to.
   To lead.


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