क्षम mfn. mf(आ)n. (g. पचा-दि) patient (said of the earth, perhaps with reference to 2. क्ष॑म्), xii, 1, 29">[AV. xii, 1, 29] ifc. ([Pāṇ. 3-2, 1] , Vārtt. 8) enduring, suffering, bearing, submissive, resisting, [MBh.] ; [Śak.] ; [Kum. v, 40] वयं त्यक्तुं क्षमाः adequate, competent, able, fit for (loc. or inf. or in comp. , e.g. , ‘we are able to quit’, [Śāntiś.] ), [Nal.] ; [R.] ; [Ragh.] &c. favourable to (gen. ), ii, 35, 31">[R. ii, 35, 31] bearable, tolerable, [Śak.] ; [Pañcat.] (= [Subh.] ) क्षमं कौरवाणाम् fit, appropriate, becoming, suitable, proper for (gen. dat. , loc. inf. or in comp. ), [MBh.] (e.g. , ‘proper for the कौरवs’, iii, 252), [R.] (e.g. न स क्षमः कोपयितुम्, ‘he is not a fit object, for anger’, 32, 20">iv, 32, 20) &c. क्षम m. m. ‘the patient’, N. of शिव a kind of sparrow, [L.] क्षम n. n. propriety fitness, [W.] क्षम [cf. Hib. cam, ‘strong, mighty; power’; cama, ‘brave.’]