Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अ-स   ([Pāṇ. 6-1, 132] ) not he, [Śiś. i, 69] (cf.अ-तद्.)


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अस (ञ)   r. 1st. cl. (असति-ते)
अस (ञ)   1. To go or move.
अस (ञ)   2. To take or receive.
अस (ञ)   3. To shine. ()
अस (ञ)   r. 2d cl. (अस्ति) To be. (य, उ, इर्)
अस (ञ)   r. 4th cl. (अस्यति-ते) To throw or direct.
अस (ञ)   With अनु prefixed, to sit down:
अस (ञ)   with अप, to quit or abandon:
अस (ञ)   with नि, to deposit:
अस (ञ)   with निर्, to expel:
अस (ञ)   with परि and उप, to sit around:
अस (ञ)   with प्र, to throw away, to reject, to confute: with वि, to divide:
अस (ञ)   with वि and आङ्, to class, to arrange:
अस (ञ)   with सम् and नि, to abandon the world:
अस (ञ)   with सम्, to collect, to combine or compound.

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