Dictionaries | References स सम् { सम्, sam } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सम् A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | . ii. assemblage or collection. iii. beauty, excellence, rightness. iv. intensity. As a prefix it corresponds with con, com, col, cor, co. before a consonant the final of this word is changed to Anuswár, and the word is written सं. Ex. संलग्न, संमोहित, संजात. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सम् महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | संस्कृत उपसर्ग . याचे अर्थ . १ संयोग ; मिलाफ ; युक्तता ; सहवास . उदा० संयोग , संमेलन . २ जमाव ; समूह ; संधान . उदा० संग्रह , संभार . ३ सौंदर्य ; शोभन ; उत्कृष्टता ; ऋतुजा . उदा० संमार्जन . ४ प्रकृष्टता ; आतिशय्य ; प्राशस्त्य ; प्राचुर्य . उदा० समाराधन , संदीपन . ५ साहचर्य ; एकसमयत्व . उदा० संगति , संमति . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सम् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सम् 1. or स्तम्cl. 1. P.समति or स्तमति, to be disturbed (accord. to some ‘to be undisturbed’; cf. √ शम्), xix, 82">[Dhātup. xix, 82] ; cl. 10. P.समयति or स्तमयति, to be agitated or disturbed, [Vop.] सम् n. 2.ind. (connected with 7.स and 2. सम, and opp. to 3. विq.v.) with, together with, along with, together, altogether (used as a preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives, like Gk.σύν, Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">con, and expressing ‘conjunction’, ‘union’, ‘thoroughness’, ‘intensity’, ‘completeness’ e.g.सं√ युज्, ‘to join together’; सं-√ धा, ‘to place together’; सं-धि, ‘placing together’; सं-√ तप्, ‘to consume utterly by burning’; सम्-उच्छेद, ‘destroying altogether, complete destruction’; in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, e.g.आ॑पो अग्नि॑म् यश॑सः सं॑ हि॑ पूर्वी॑, ‘for many glorious waters surrounded अग्नि’; it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2.सम, ‘same’; cf.समर्थ), [RV.] ; &c. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सम् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सम् [sam] I. 1 P. (समति) To be confused or agitated. not to be confused or agitated. -ii. 1 U. (समयति- ते) To be agitated.सम् [sam] ind. As a prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives it means (a) with, together with, together; as in संगम्, संभाषण, संधा, संयुज् &c.). (b) sometimes it intensifies the meaning of the simple root, and may be translated by 'very, quite, greatly, thoroughly, very much'; संतुष्, संतोष, संन्यस्, संन्यास, संता &c., तस्या- मात्मानुरूपायामात्मजन्मसमुत्सुकः [R.1.33.] (c) it also expresses completeness, perfection, or beauty. As prefixed to nouns to form comp. it means 'like, same, similar', as in समर्थ. sometimes it means 'near', 'before', as in समक्ष. In the Vedas it is sometimes used as a separable preposition (with instr.). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सम् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | सम् Ind. A particle and prefix implying:--1. union, junction, (with, together.) 2. assemblage, collection. 3. beauty or perfection. 4. intensity. As a prefix it corresponds to con, co, com, &c. before a consonant the final of this word is changed to Anuswara, and is written सं. E. सो-वा० कमु . ROOTS:सो-वा० कमु . Related Words सम् (सम्) अञ्ज् eat सम्पुटी सम्प्रोक्त सप्रस्तार समनुदृश् समवसृति समुद्वृह् समुपारुज् समुहितृ समुह्य संकर्तम् संवंह् संविन्द् संवृह् सम्पृच्छम् समीच्छा सम्पूर्व सम्प्रसत्ति सम्प्रेष सपट सपटें समाराण समृच् समृछ् संवसारें संवृंह् समवाकार समुपावृ परिसमे सामर्घ्य सामीरण सामीर्य सामुद्रि साम्भल साम्मेघ्य सम्प्रत्ति समावाप्ति समिर अग्रसंख्या सम्प्रमापण सम्बन्धयितृ सम्बाऌह सम्मिह् सांगमन सङ्क्रीडण सङ्क्रुद्ध सङ्गोपन सञ्चकित सञ्चिन्तन सञ्चोदित सञ्छन्न सन्तमस् सन्त्यजन सन्त्रास सन्दाव सन्द्राव सन्निचय सन्निबन्धन समपावृ समभ्युपेय समवहित समह्या समाइणें समावर्जन समावलोक्य समासार्था समीर्ण समुच्छन्न समुद्धर्ष समुन्नतलाङ्गुल समेद्धृ सम्त सम्पवन संघारणें संजर्भुराण संजुतपत्र संत्व संमीलन संयती संलज्जमान संवसारणें संश्र्लेष facies जलसात् सामक्ष सामित्य सामिधेन सामुत्कर्षिक साम्पद साम्पन्निक साम्पातिक साम्बाधिक साम्भर साम्भाष्य साम्भूयि साम्मत्य सवारणें सम्मार्ग Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP