सम्-प्र-√ युज् aP. Ā. -युनक्ति, -य्न्ङ्क्ते, to yoke or join together, yoke, harness, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; to employ, make use of [BhP.] ; to perform, execute (a song), [L.] ; to instigate, incite, induce to (instr. ), [R.] : Pass. -युज्यते, to be joined or connected with (instr. ), be added or attached, [Nir.] ; [Hariv.] &c.; to be united sexually, [Rājat.] ; to be implicated in (instr. ), [Yājñ.] : Caus. -योजयति, to join together, connect with (instr. ), [MBh.] ; [Sāh.] ; to equip, prepare, [Hariv.] सम्-प्रयुज् mfn. bmfn. surrounded or encompassed by (comp. ), [Śiś.]