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   { śranth }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
श्रन्थ्   or श्रथ् (cf.श्लथ्) cl. 9. P. (xxxi, 39">[Dhātup. xxxi, 39] ) श्रथ्नाति (Ved. also श्रथ्नीते and शृन्थति, and accord. to [Dhātup.] also श्रथति, श्राथयति, श्रन्थति, °ते; pf.शश्राथ or शश्रन्थgr.; 3. sg.-शश्रथे, [RV.] ; 3. pl.श्रेथुः or शश्रन्थुःgr.; aor.अश्रन्थीत्, °थिष्ट, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; fut.श्रन्थिष्यति, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; inf.श्रथितुम् or श्रन्थितुम्, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; ind.p.श्रथित्वा or श्रन्थित्वा, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; -श्रथ्य, [Nir.] ),
to be loosened or untied or unbent, become loose or slack, yield, give way, [RV.] (cf.89 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 3-1, 89] Sch.);
to make slack, disable, disarm, [RV. i, 171, 3] ;
(Ā.) to loosen one's own (bonds &c.), [AV.] ;
v.l. for ग्रथ्, ग्रन्थ्:
Caus.श्रथ॑यति, °ते (in संहितापाठ also श्रथायति and accord. to gr. also श्राथयति and श्रन्थयति [cf. below]; aor.अशिश्रथत् [3. sg.Subj.शिश्रथत् and 3. pl.Impv.शिश्रथन्तु, [RV.] ] or अशश्रन्थत्), to loosen, untie, unbend, slacken, relax (Ā. ‘to become loose, yield’), [RV.] ; [AitBr.] ;
to remit, pardon (sin), [RV.] ;
(श्राथयति), to strive eagerly, endeavour, use exertion, xxxii, 13">[Dhātup. xxxii, 13] ;
to delight, gladden, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
(श्रन्थयति), to bind, tie, connect, arrange, xxxiv, 31">---13--- ;
to hurt, kill, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
श्रन्थ् [śranth]   I. 1 Ā. (श्रन्थते)
   To be weak.
   To be loose or relaxed.
   To loosen, relax. -ii. 9 P. (श्रथ्नाति)
   To loosen, liberate, release.
   To delight repeatedly. -iii. 1, 1 P. To bind together, to compose; L. D. B.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
श्रन्थ्   r. 9th cl. (श्रथ्नाति)
   1. To set free, to let loose, to liberate.
   2. To gladden, to delight frequently.
   3. To string, to tie together. r. 1st and 10th cls. (श्रन्थति श्रन्थयति-ते)
   1. To arrange, to place in order. 2. To kill.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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