Dictionaries | References


   { vṛṣalī }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A female of the कुणबी- class. A male of this class is वृषल.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृषली  f. af. see below
वृषली  f. bf. a woman of low caste, शूद्र woman, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. ([L.] also ‘an unmarried girl twelve years old in whom menstruation has commenced; a woman during menstruation; a barren woman; the mother of a still-born child’).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वृषली [vṛṣalī]   1 An unmarried girl twelve years old; particularly, a girl remaining unmarried at her father's house in whom menstruation has commenced; पितुर्गेहे च या नारी रजः पश्यत्यसंस्कृता । भ्रूणहत्या पितुस्तस्याः सा कन्या विषली स्मृता ॥
   A woman during menstruation.
   A barren woman.
   The mother of a still-born child.
   A Śūdra female, or the wife of a Śūdra. -Comp.
-पतिः   the husband of a Śūdra woman; [Ms.3.155;] [Mb.7.73.36.]
-फेनः   the lip-moisture (अधररस) of a वृषली; वृषलीफेनपीतस्य ....... निष्कृतिर्न विधीयते [Ms.3.19.]
-वृत्ति a.  a. brought up by वृषलs; [Ms.3.164.]
-सेवनम्   intercourse with a Śūdra famale; यत् करोत्येकरात्रेण वृषलीसेवनाद् द्विजः [Ms.11.178.]

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