Dictionaries | References भ भौम { bhauma } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words भौम Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 BHAUMA I The fourteenth Manu. In the time of this Manu, the person called Śuci will be Indra. Under his control there will be five groups of Devas. These groups are called Cākṣuṣas, Pavitras, Kaniṣṭhas, Bhrājikas and Vāpāvṛddhas. The Saptarṣis (seven sages) of that Manvantara are Agnibāhu, Śuci, Śukra, Māgadha, Agnīdhra, Yukta and Jita. At that time, the sons of Manu who will be protecting the earth will be Ūru, gaṁbhīrabuddhi and other Kings. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, 3rd Part, Chapter 2] .BHAUMA II Another name of Narakāsura. (See the word Narakāsura).BHAUMA III A Rākṣasa born to Siṁhikā by Vipracitti. Paraśu-Rāma killed him. (Brahmāṇḍa--3-6-18-22). भौम हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 adjective भूमि से संबंधित या भूमि का Ex. भौम जागीर पर लिया जाने वाला शुल्क बहुत कम है । MODIFIES NOUN:अवस्था वस्तु क्रिया ONTOLOGY:संबंधसूचक (Relational) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective)Wordnet:benভৌম gujભૌમ kasزٔمیٖنی , زٔمیٖنہِ ہُںٛد malഭൂമിയുടെ panਭੂਮੀ sanभौम tamபூமி சம்பந்தமான telభూసంబంధమైన urdزمینی , جائدادی See : मंगल ग्रह, भूमिज भौम प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भौम n. नरकासुर का नामांतर (नरकासुर देखिये) ।भौम II. n. शिवपुत्र मंगल का नामान्तर (मंगल २. देखिये) ।भौम III. n. एक राक्षस. जो विप्रचित्ति एवं सिंहिका पुत्र था । इसे ‘नल’ एवं ‘नभ’ नामान्तर भी प्राप्त है (विप्रचित्ति २. देखिये) । परशुराम ने इसका वध किया [ब्रह्मांड.३.६.१८-२२] । भौम A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 bhauma n Weighty material filled into a gold trinket in the place of gold fraudulently abstracted.bhauma m S The planet Mars.bhauma a S Relating to the ground, earthly, terrene, terrestrial. भौम Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 a Earthly. m The planet Mars. भौम मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 See : मंगळ भौम महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 वि. भूमीसंबंधीं ; पृथ्वीसंबंधीं . [ सं . ] भौमिक - वि . इहलोकींचा ; भूमीसंबंधाचा ; पृथ्वीसंबंधाचा . [ सं . ] न. लबाडीनें दागिन्यांतील सोनें काढून घेऊन त्या ऐवजी भरीस घातलेला दुसरा हिणकस धातु . लोहकीट . भूम पहा . पु. एक पापग्रह ; पृथ्वीचा पुत्र ; मंगळ . नातरी भौमा नाम मंगळु । रोहिणीतें म्हणती जळु । - ज्ञा १५ . ११६ . [ सं . ]०वार वासर - पु . मंगळवार . भौम नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 See : मङ्गल ग्रह भौम A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भौम n. mf(ई)n. relating or dedicated to the earth, produced or coming from the earth, earthly, terrestrial, [VS.] &c. &c. (with नरकm. = hell on earth, [MBh.] ; with ब्रह्मन्n. = the वेद, ib.)consisting or made of earth, earthy, [PañcavBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c.coming from the land (as revenue &c.), [L.] भौम (fr., the planet Mars) relating to the pl° Mars or to his day, falling on Tuesday, [Vet.] भौम m. m. a red-flowering पुनर्-नवा, [L.] अम्बर = , [L.] N. of the 27th मुहूर्त, [L.] metron. of a partic. earth-deity, [GṛS.] of अत्रि, [RAnukr.] of the दैत्यनरक, [MBh.] of the planet Mars (whose day is Tuesday), ib.; [Var.] ; [Pur.] &c.भौम n. m. or n.N. of [AV. xii, 1] भौम n. n. dust of the earth (pl.), [MBh.] corn, grain, [Āpast.] (only ifc.) floor, story, [MBh.] ; [R.] भौम The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भौम [bhauma] a. a. (-मी f.) [भूमेरपत्यं तस्या इदं वा अण्]Belonging to the earth; संस्तूयन्ते विप्रकर्षाद्भौमा नोपाधयः स्फुटम् [Mv.7.22.] Being on the earth, earthly, terrestrial; भौमो मुनेः स्थानपरिग्रहोीऽयम् [R.13.36;15.59.] Earthy, made of earth; [Ms.11.155.] Relating of Mars.मः The planet Mars.An epithet of the demon Naraka; त्वयि भौमं गते जेतुमरौत्सीत् स पुरीमिमाम् [Śi.2.39;] भौमं हत्वा तन्निरोधादाहृताश्चारुदर्शनाः [Bhāg.1.58.58.] Water.Light.Sky, atmosphere. N. N. of Atri.A redflowering पुनर्नवा.मम् Corn, grain.An elemental thing; किमात्मनश्चात्र ह भौमयोस्तत् [Bhāg.11.23.51.] Floor; हैमराजतभौमेषु [Rām.2.88.5.] Story; सप्तभौ- माष्टभौमैश्च स ददर्श महापुरीम् [Rām.5.2.5.] -Comp.-दिनम्, -वारः, -वासरः Tuesday; भौमदिनमभिदधत्यथवा भृशमप्रशस्तमपि मङ्गलं जनाः [Śi.15.17.] -ब्रह्मन् (भौमब्रह्मन्) Vedas, Brāhmaṇas and sacrifices; भौमस्य ब्रह्मणो गुप्त्यै दीपमग्नि- मिवारणिः [Mb.12.47.29] (com. भौमं ब्रह्म वेदा ब्राह्मणा यज्ञाश्च).-रत्नम् coral. भौम Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भौम mfn. (-मः-मी-मं) Earthly, terrestrial, produced in or relating to the earth. m. (-मः)1. The planet MARS.2. Hell.3. Ambergris. 4. Water.5. Life. f. (-मी) A name of ŚITĀ.E. भूमि the earth, and अण् aff. ROOTS:भूमि अण्भौम (व) न m. (-नः) An epithet of Vishwakarman, the architect of gods. भौम संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 adjective भूम्या सम्बद्धः। Ex. भौमस्य अग्रहारस्य कृते स्वीक्रियमाणं शुल्कम् अत्यल्पम् अस्ति। MODIFIES NOUN:क्रिया वस्तुः दशा ONTOLOGY:संबंधसूचक (Relational) ➜ विशेषण (Adjective)Wordnet:benভৌম gujભૌમ kasزٔمیٖنی , زٔمیٖنہِ ہُںٛد malഭൂമിയുടെ panਭੂਮੀ tamபூமி சம்பந்தமான telభూసంబంధమైన urdزمینی , جائدادی Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP