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   { ijya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
इज्य  mfn. mfn. (irr.fut.pass.p. of √ यज्), to be revered or honoured, [RāmatUp.] ; [BhP.] &c.
इज्य  m. m. a teacher, [BhP.]
a deity, god, [BhP.]
N. of बृहस्पति (the teacher or Guru of the gods)
of the planet Jupiter


इज्य [ijya] pot. p.  pot. p. (of यज्) To be worshipped.
ज्यः A teacher; हंसा य एकं बहुरूपमिज्यैर्मायामयं वेद स वेद वेदम् [Bhāg.11.12.23.]
An epithet of ब्रहस्पति, the teacher of the gods.
The Puṣya Nakṣatra.
The Supreme Being; स्वधीः कलत्रादिषु भौम इज्यधीः [Bhāg.1.84.13.]
An epithet of Viṣṇu.
ज्या A sacrifice; जगत्प्रकाशं तदशेषमिज्यया [R.3.48,1.68,15.2;] [Bg.11.53,] भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्याः 9.25.
A gift, donation.
An image.
Worship, reverence.
Meeting, union.
A bawd or procuress.
A cow. -Comp.
-शीलः   a constant sacrificer.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
इज्य  mfn.  (-ज्यः-ज्या-ज्यं) A teacher.
 m.  (-ज्यः) VRIHASPATI, the teacher or Guru of the gods.
 f.  (-ज्या)
1. A gift, a donation.
2. Sacrificing, making offerings to the gods or manes.
3. Worship, reverence.
4. Meeting, union.
5. A cow.
6. A bawd or procuress. R. यज् to sacri- fice, &c. क्यप् aff.

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