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   { prāntḥ }
Script: Devanagari


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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रान्त  f. mn. (प्र-अन्त) (end of a compound.*">ifc.f(). ) edge, border, margin, verge, extremity, end, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (यौवन-प्र्°, the end of youth, [Pañcat.] ; ओष्ठ-प्रा-न्तौ, the corners of the mouth, [L.] )
प्रान्त  m. m. a point, tip (of a blade of grass), [Kauś.]
   back part (of a carriage), [Vikr.] (ibc., finally, eventually, [Kāv.] ; [Pañcat.] )
   thread end of a cloth, [L.]
अश्वादि   N. of a man g.
प्रान्त  mfn. mfn. dwelling near the boundaries, [Divyâv.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रान्तः [prāntḥ]   [प्रकृष्टोऽन्तः]
   edge, margin, border, skirt, verge; प्रान्तसंस्तीर्णदर्भाः [Ś.4.8.]
   corner (as of the lips, eyes &c.); ईषत्तिर्यग्वलनविषमं कूणितप्रान्तमेतत् [Māl.4.2;] ओष्ठ˚, नयन˚.
   boundary, extremity.
   extreme verge, end; यौवनप्रान्त [Pt.4.]
   A point, tip.
   The back part. -Comp.
-ग a.  a. living close by.
-दुर्गम्   a suburb outside the walls of a town, a town near a fort.
-निवासिन् a.  a. dwelling near the boundaries.-भूमिः final place or term.
-भूमौ   ind. finally, at last.-विरस a. tasteless in the end.
-वृत्तिः   the horizon. -शून्यa. see प्रान्तरशून्य.
-स्थ a.  a. one who inhabits the borders.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रान्त  m.  (-न्तः) edge, margin, border, end.
   E. प्र before, अन्त end.

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