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   { dhṛṣ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
धृष्   cl. 5. P.धृष्णो॑ति, [RV.] &c. &c.;
cl. 1. P.ध॑र्षति, [VS.] ; [R.] (p.धृष॑त्, °ष॑माण, [RV.] ; °षाण॑, [AV.] ; perf.दध॑र्ष, [RV.] &c. &c.; 3. pl.दाधृषुर्, [AV.] ; Subj.दधर्षत्, °षति, °षीत्, [RV.] ; दधृषते, °षन्त, [AV.] ; p.दधृष्व॑स्, [RV.] ; aor.अधृषस्, [ŚBr.] , अधषिषुर्, [TĀr.] ; fut.धर्षिष्यति, °षिताGr.; ind.p.-धृष्य, [Br.] ; inf.-धृ॑षस्, °षि, [RV.] ),
to be bold or courageous or confident or proud, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ;
to dare or venture (inf. in तुम्, [Pāṇ. 3-4, 65] );
to dare to attack, treat with indignity (acc.), [Br.] ; [MBh.] ;
to surpass (?), [AV. iii, 3, 2] :
Caus.धर्षयति ([Dhātup. xxxiv, 43] ; aor.अदीधृषत्, or अदधर्षत्Gr.)
to venture on attacking;
to offend, violate (a woman), overpower, overcome, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv. &c.] :
Intens.दरीधृष्यते or दरीधर्ष्टिGr.
धृष्   [cf.Zd.dareS; Gk.θάρσος, θαρσίω; Lit.dristu; Goth.ga-dars, Angl.Sax.dors-te, Engl.durs-t.]


धृष् [dhṛṣ]   I. 1 P. (धर्षति, धर्षित)
To come together, be compact.
To hurt or injure. -II. 1. P., 1 U. (धर्षति, धर्षयति-ते)
To offend, hurt, injure.
To insult, treat with indignity.
To assail, overcome, overpower, conquer, destroy.
To dare to attack, challenge, defy.
To violate or outrage (as a woman). -III. 5 P. (धृष्णोति, धृष्ट)
To be bold or courageous; ते ह ब्राह्मणा न दधृषुः [Bṛi. Up.3.1.2.]
To be confident.
To be proud or overbearing.
To be impudent or impatient.
To dare, venture (with inf.)
To brave, challenge; प्रहस्तस्य पुरोमात्यान् जिहिंसुर्दधृषुस्तथा (वानराः) [Bk.14.12.]
To insult, treat with contumely. -IV. 1 Ā. (धर्षयते) To assail, attack, outrage.


noun  भयरहितः अन्योद्देशपूर्वकः आदररहितः वचनानुकूलः व्यापारः ।   Ex. लघुबालकः अपि धर्षति ।
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