Dictionaries | References


   { caṇḍā }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चण्डा  f. f. (g.बह्व्-आदि), epithet).">N. of दुर्गा (esp. as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the असुरमहिष, this exploit forming the subject of the [Devīm.] and being particularly celebrated in Bengāl at the दुर्गापूजा about oct. nov.), vi, 797">[MBh. vi, 797] ; [Hariv. 10245]
   epithet).">N. of one of the 8 नायिकाs or सक्तिs of दुर्गा, [BrahmaP.] ; [DevīP.]
   epithet).">N. of an attendant of the 12th अर्हत् of the present अवसर्पिणी, [L.]
   of a river, [L.]
लिङ्गिनी   of a plant (andropogon aciculatus">andropogon aciculatus, [L.] ; Mucuna pruritus, [L.] ; Salvinia cucullata, [L.] ; white दूर्वा grass, [L.] ; , [L.] ), iv; vi, 51">[Suśr. i, iv; vi, 51]
   a kind of perfume (commonly Chor), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चण्डा [caṇḍā] ण्डी [ṇḍī]   ण्डी f.
   An epithet of Durgā.
   A passionate or angry woman; चण्डी चण्डं हन्तुमभ्युद्यता माम् [M.3.2;] चण्डी मामवधूय पादपतितं जातानुतापेव सा [V.4.38;] [R.12.5;] [Me.14.]
  N. N. of plant.
   A kind of perfume (mar. वाळा).
   ण्डी A term of endearment applied to one's mistress.
   hurt, injury. -Comp.
-ईशः, -ईश्वरः, -पतिः   an epithet of Śiva; पुण्यं यायास्त्रिभुवनगुरीर्धाम चण्डीश्वरस्य [Me.33.] ˚मण्डनम् poison (कालकूटम्); मथ्यमानोऽद्रिणा पूर्वं ददौ चण्डीशमण्डनम् [Bm.1.13.]
-कुसुमः   red oleander.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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