गा f. af. a song, [L.] गा 1.cl. 3. P. जि॑गाति ([RV.] ; जगाति, ii, 14">[Naigh. ii, 14] (v.l. ); Subj. जि॑गात्; Impv. जि॑गातु; aor. अगात्; 3. pl. अगन्, [BhP. i, 9, 40] ; Subj. [1. sg. गेषम् see अनु- and उप-], 2. sg. गा॑स्, 3. sg. गात्, 2. pl. गात॑, 3. pl. गुर्; [perf. जिगाय see उद्-], perf. Pot. जगायात् [ii, 14">[Naigh. ii, 14] ] 28, 1">[RV. x, 28, 1] ; inf. गा॑तवे, ii, 3, 1">[RV. ii, 3, 1] ; in Class. Sanskṛt only the aor. P. अगात् occurs, for Ā. see अधि-; aor. Pass. अगायि, अगासाताम्, [Kāś.] on 45 and 77">[Pāṇ. 2-4, 45 and 77] ; cl. 2. P. गा॑ति, ii, 14">[Naigh. ii, 14] ; Ā. गाते, xx, 53">---10--- ) to go, go towards, come, approach (with acc. or loc. ), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.; to go after, pursue, iv, 3, 13; x, 18, 4">---13--- ; to fall to one's ( dat. ) share, be one's ( acc. ) due, 45, 32">viii, 45, 32; xi, 73">---14--- ; to come into any state or condition ( acc. ), undergo, obtain, iii, 10697">[MBh. iii, 10697] ; [R.] &c.; to go away (from abl. ; to any place loc. ), [RV. x, 108, 9] ; to come to an end, viii, 109">---18--- ; to walk (on a path acc. or instr. ), viii, 2, 39 and 5, 39">[RV. viii, 2, 39 and 5, 39] ; ( जिगाति) to be born, [Vop.] on xxv, 25">[Dhātup. xxv, 25] : Desid. जिगीषति, to desire to go, ii, 10, 25">[BhP. ii, 10, 25] ; गा [cf. βίβημι, ἔβην; old Germ. gām, gās, &c.; Goth. ga-tvo; Eng. go.] गा mfn. 2.mfn.Ved. end of a compound.*">ifc. ‘going’ (cf. अ-गा; अग्रे-, तमो-, पुरो-, समन- and स्वस्ति-गा॑), 67.">[Pāṇ. 3-2, 67.] गा mfn. 3.mfn. (√ गै) end of a compound.*">ifc. ‘singing’ see साम-गा गा f. f. see s.v. 3.ग.