Dictionaries | References


   { गजस्नान }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   unproductive efforts; or efforts which produce the evil striven against: also remedies which exasperate the disease. With reference to the practice of elephants, which, after squirting water over their bodies, throw dust and rubbish.


   हत्तीला स्‍नान घातले तरी तो पाण्यातून बाहेर आल्‍याबरोबर पुन्हां आपले शरीर धुळीने माखतो. यावरून निष्‍फळ प्रयत्‍न
   व्यर्थ खटाटोप. तु०-(अ) हस्‍तीतें धुतले जळी बसविले मालिन्याहि नासले । तेणें तें पहिले स्‍वकर्म वहिले तीरींच आरंभिले। शुंडाग्रे धरिले धुळीस भरले सर्वांगहि आपुले। प्रायश्र्चित्त दिले तथापिभले ज्‍याचे मन क्षोभलें ।। (आ) रवितप्तो गजः पद्मास्‍तद्‌ गृह्यानबाधितुं ध्रुवम्‌। सरो विशति न स्‍नातुं गजस्‍नानं हि निष्‍फलम्‌ ।। सुर २३१.६०.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गज—स्नान  n. n.ablution of elephants’, unproductive efforts (as elephants, after squirting water over their bodies, end by throwing dust and rubbish), [W.]

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