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   { khilḥ, khila }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KHILA   there is an appendix to Mahābhārata called Khila. this Khila is known as Harivaṁśa also. this portion too was written by Vyāsa.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खिल  n. m. (n., [L.] ) a piece of waste or uncultivated land situated between cultivated fields, desert, bare soil, vii, 115, 4">[AV. vii, 115, 4] ; [ŚBr. viii] ; [ŚāṅkhBr.] ; [Kauś.]
   accord. to some alsopasture-land
खिल  n. n. ‘a space not filled up, gap’, that which serves to fill up a gap, supplement (of a book &c.), additional hymn appended to the regular collection, iii, 232">[Mn. iii, 232] ; [MBh. i] ; [VāyuP.] ; [ŚivaP.] &c.
   a compendium, compilation (esp. of hymns and prayers), [L.]
   pl. remainder, vi, 4, 15">[BhP. vi, 4, 15]
   sg. (in alg.) an insolvable problem, [Gol.]
   obduracy, xix, xxi">[Lalit. xix, xxi]
वेधस्   = (ब्रह्मा or विष्णु, [W.] ), [L.]
खिल  mfn. mfn. defective, insufficient, vi.">---15---


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खिलः [khilḥ] लम् [lam]   लम् [खिल्-क]
   A piece of waste or uncultivated land, desert or bare soil; a desert, waste; खिले गा विष्ठिता इव [Av.7.115.4.]
   A gap, vacant place.
   An additional hymn appended to the regular collection; [Ms.3.232.]
   A supplement in general.
   A compendium, compilation.
   remainder; अलं दग्धैर्द्रुमैर्दीनैः खिलानां शिवमस्तु नः [Bhāg.6.4.15.]
-लः  N. N. of Brahmā and of Viṣṇu. [खिल is often used in combination with भू and कृ; (1) खिलीभू (a) to become impassable, to be blocked up, be left unfrequented; खिलीभूते विमानानां तदापातभयात्पथि [Ku.2.45.] (b) to be impossible, be rendered impracticable or stopped; प्रजागरात्खिलीभूतस्तस्याः स्वप्नसमागमः [Ś.6.22.] (2) खिलीकृ means (a) to obstruct, impede, make impassable, block up; तौ सुकेतसुतया खिली- कृते [R.11.14,87.] (b) to lay waste, devastate, put down or vanquish completely; विपक्षमखिलीकृत्य प्रतिष्ठा खलु दुर्लभा [Śi.2.34.] ]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खिल  mfn.  (-लः-ला-लं)
   1. waste or unploughed land.
   2. empty, vacant. m. (-लः)
   1. A name of brahma.
   2. vishnu.
  mn.  (-लः-लं) A com- pendium, a compilation, especially of hymns and prayers.
   E. vacuity, &c. what gets or possesses, affix ड, and substituted for the penultimate.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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