क्षेम्य mfn. mf(आ)n. (= °म, [Pāṇ. 5-4, 36] , Vārtt. 5, [Pat.] ) resting, at leisure, at ease, 28, 5">[RV. x, 28, 5] ; xii, 2, 49">[AV. xii, 2, 49] ; xvi, 33">[VS. xvi, 33] (क्षे॑म्य), vi, 7, 4, 7; xiii, 1, 4, 3">[ŚBr. vi, 7, 4, 7; xiii, 1, 4, 3] ; [PārGṛ.] yielding peace and tranquillity (as a country; ‘healthy’ [W.] ), vii, 212">[Mn. vii, 212] giving peace and tranquillity, xiv, 1691">[MBh. xiv, 1691] prosperous, auspicious, [VarBṛS.] क्षेम्य m. m.epithet).">N. of शिव, xiv, 194">[MBh. xiv, 194] क्षेम epithet).">N. of several princes [a son of सुनीथ and father of केतुमत्, [Hariv. 1592 f.; 1750] ; a son of उग्रायुध and father of सु-वीर, ib. 1084; [VP.] ; ix, 21, 29">[BhP. ix, 21, 29] ; (= ) a son of शुचि and father of सुव्रत, [VP.] ] क्षेम्य n. n. resting, [TS. v, 2, 1, 7.]