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Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
केतु—मत्  mfn. mfn. endowed with brightness, [AV.]
   (interpolation after, viii, 56">[RV. viii, 56] )
   clear (as a sound), vi, 47, 31">[RV. vi, 47, 31] ; iii, 19, 6">[AV. iii, 19, 6]
केतु—मत्  m. m. a यक्ष, [Gal.]
   N. of a मुनि, [VāyuP.]
   of a दानव, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
   of a regent of the western part of the world (son of रजस्), [VP.]
   of a son of क्षेम and father of सुकेतु, [Hariv. 1593]
   of a son of क्षेम्य and father of वर्ष-केतु, 1750
   of a warrior, ii, 122 and 127">[MBh. ii, 122 and 127]
   of a son of धन्वन्तरि, ix, 17, 5">[BhP. ix, 17, 5]
   of अम्बरीष, ix, 6, 1
   N. of a mountain, [Buddh.]
   of a palace of वासु-देव's wife सुनन्दा, [Hariv. 8989]

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