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   { kāśin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काशिन्  mfn. amfn. (only end of a compound.*">ifc.) shining, appearing, having the semblance of (e.g.जित-क्°, appearing or behaving like a conqueror, [MBh.] ; जय-क्°word.'">id., iv, 10, 15">[BhP. iv, 10, 15] )
काशिन्  m. m.N. of a man (as son of ब्रह्मन्कवि), xiii, 4150.">[MBh. xiii, 4150.]
काशिन्   b see above.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काशिन् [kāśin] a.  a. (-नी f.) (usually at the end of comp.) shining, appearing or looking like, having the semblance of; जितकाशिन् e. g. one who behaves like a conqueror; see the word.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काशिन्  mfn.  (-शी-शिनी-शि)
   1. having a cold or cough.
   2. shining bri- lliant.
   E. काश cough, and इनि affix, or काश् to shine, णिनि aff.
काश इनि काश् णिनि

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