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   { kakṣya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्ष्य  mfn. mfn. being or abiding in shrubs or dry grass, xvi, 34">[VS. xvi, 34]
कक्ष्य   (, fr.कक्ष्या॑), filling out the girth, well fed ([[Sāy.] ]), 44, 11">[RV. v, 44, 11]
कक्ष्य  n. n. the scale of a balance Comm. on [Yājñ.]
   a part of a carriage, [R.]
   a girdle, girth.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्ष्य [kakṣya] a.  a. Ved.
   Consisting of shrubs or dry grass.
   secret. मधु प्रवोचदृतायन्त्वाष्ट्रं यद्दस्रावपि कक्ष्यं वामिति [Bṛi. Up.2.5.17.]
   filling the girth (Sāy).
   क्ष्या The girth of an elephant or horse. यो हि दत्त्वा द्विपश्रेष्ठं कक्षायां कुरुते मनः [Rām.2.37.3.]
   A woman's girdle or zone; सिन्दूरैः कृतरुचयः सहेमकक्ष्याः [Ki.7.8;] [Śi.1.62.]
   The upper garment.
   The border of a garment.
   The inner apartment of a palace. गृहकक्ष्यां प्रथमं विनिर्जगाम [Bu. ch.5.67.] कक्ष्यां द्वितांयामासाद्य तिष्ठन्तु नृपवेश्मनः [Rām.2.3.18.]
   A wall, enclosure; हमेकक्ष्या पुरी रम्या [Rām.3.48.11.]
   A shrub yielding the black and red berry that serves as a weight.
   A military girdle.
   A balance.
   see कक्षा (17, 18); इत्युक्त्वैनमतिक्रुद्धः कक्ष्यामुत्पीङ्य पाण्डवः [Mb.3.11.42.]
   क्ष्यम् The cup or receptacle of a balance.
   A part of a carriage.
   The hinder part.
   A shrub or dry grass forest; प्रधक्ष्यति यथा कक्ष्यं चित्रभानुर्हिमात्यये [Rām. 2.24.8.] -Comp.
-अवेक्षक = कक्षावेक्षक   q. v.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कक्ष्य  n.  (-क्ष्यं) The cup or receptacle of a balance.
  f.  (-क्ष्या)
   1. The girth of an elephant, of rope or leather.
   2. A woman's girdle or zone.
   3. The enclosure of an edifice; that is, either the wall, &c. so enclos- ing, or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure.
   4. The inner apartment of a palace.
   5. similarity.
   6. effort, exertion.
   7. An upper garment.
   8. A shrub, yielding the black and red berry, that serves as a jeweller's weight; the Ratti or Gunga, (Abrus precatorius.)
   E. कक्ष the flank, &c. यत् affix; see कक्ष.

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