ऊह [ūha] a. a. Observed, perceived.
-हः [ऊह्-घञ्]
A change, modification. ऊहदर्शनं न विवक्षितार्थानामेव भवति । ŚB. on
[MS.1.2.52.] ऊह forms the subject-matter of जैमिनि's मीमांसासूत्र, अध्याय IX. It is said to bo of three varieties; cf. त्रिविधश्च ऊहः मन्त्रसामसंस्कारविषयः ŚB. on
[MS; 9.1.1.] A guess, conjecture;
[Mb.5.33.28.] Examination and determination.
Reasoning, arguing.
Supplying an ellipsis.
Attributing, ascribing.
Collection. -Comp.
-अपोहः full discussion, consideration of the pros andcons; इमे मनुष्या दृश्यन्ते ऊहापोहविशारदाः
[Mb.13.145.43;] ऊहापोहमिमं सरोजनयना यावद्विधत्तेतराम्
[Bv.2.74;] see अपोह.-गानम् N. of the third Gāna or hymn-book of the Samaveda.
-च्छला f. f. N. of a chapter of the Sāmaveda Chchhalā.