Dictionaries | References


   { iḍ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
इड्   (fr.1.इष्; connected with इ॑राq.v.; only in inst.gen.abl.sing., and acc.pl.इडा॑ and इड॑स्; or, according to the spelling of the ऋग्वेद, इLआ॑ and इLअ॑स्), a refreshing draught, refreshment, libation offered to the gods, [RV.]
   the flow of speech, the stream of sacred words and worship, prayer
   ([Sāy.] ) the earth, food, [RV.] ; [VS.]
इडस्   (, or इlअस्) pl. the objects of devotion (a particular form of अग्नि addressed in the fourth verse of the आप्री hymn, [RV. i, 13] ), iii, 4, 3">[RV. iii, 4, 3]
ईड्य   (erroneously also referred to in the ब्राह्मणs &c. as if etymologically connected with the words , ईडित, ईlइत, ‘the praiseworthy’, ‘the praised’, which are used in other passages as the designation of the same object of worship), [VS.] ; [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ĀśvŚr. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
इड् [iḍ]  f. f. (also written इल् in veda). [इल्-क्विप् वा लस्य डः]
   An offering or oblation, libation offered to be gods.
   prayer, flow of speech.
   The earth.
   The rainy season.
   The third of the five prayājas (इडो यजति).
   people or subjects. (pl.) The object of devotion. -Comp.
-देवता   a deity of libation. इड (-ल) स्पतिः N. of Vishṇu or of Pūṣan; आराध- यन्मन्त्रमिममभ्यस्यन्त इडस्पतिम् [Bhāg.6.5.27.]

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