Dictionaries | References


   { आपॄ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आ-√ दॄ   P.Ā. (2. sg.Subj.आ॑-दर्षि, viii, 6, 23, &c.">[RV. viii, 6, 23, &c.] ; 3. sg.Subj.aor.आ॑-दर्षते, [RV. x, 120, 6] ; 2. sg.Subj.Intens.आ॑-दर्दर्षि, ii, 12, 15">[RV. ii, 12, 15] )
to crush, force or split open;
to make accessible, bring to light:
Intens. (2. sg.Impv.आ॑-दर्दृहि, iii, 20, 24">[RV. iii, 20, 24] ) to crack, split open.
आ-√ पॄ   P.-पिपर्ति, -पृणाति, and -पृणति, to fill up, fulfil, fill, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ;
to do any one's desire, satisfy any one's wish, [RV.] :
Ā.-पृणते, to surfeit one's self, satiate or satisfy one's self, [RV.] :
pass.-पूर्यते, to be filled, become full, increase;
to be satiated, satisfied, [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [BhP.] ; ---12--- ; [Kathās.] &c.:
Caus.-पूरयति, to fill up, fulfil, fill, [ŚBr.] ; ---15--- ; [Rājat.] &c.;
to fill with noise, [MBh.] ; [R.] ;
to fill with air, to inflate, [R.] ;
to cover;
to load anything with, ---20--- ; [R.] ; [Ṛtus.] ; ---23---
√ पॄ


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   आदॄ [ād]ॄ, 9 U. Ved.
   To crush, split open.
   आपॄ [āp]ॄ, 9 U. or Caus.
   To make accessible, bring to light, manifest.
   To fill; अमी जलापूरितसूत्रमार्गाः [R.16.65;] तेजोभिरापूर्य जगत्समग्रम् [Bg.11.3;] [Bk.6.118;] (fig.) to make full, complete, to fulfil (wishes); भृत्यैरापूर्यते नृपः [H.2.73.] -pass. To be filled, to be filled with wind, be blown (as a conch); आपूर्यमाणानां स्नान- शङ्खानाम् [K.16.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : पटय्

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