Dictionaries | References


   { ahō }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
ahō A respectful particle of calling or address to man or woman. 2 After a name or a word अ is dropped, as कायहो, कांहो. 3 An interjection of admiration or sudden delight.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
A respectful particle of calling to man or woman.


उद्गा . कोणाला मोठ्या गौरवाने किंवा बहुवचनीं संबोधून हांक मारावयाचा प्रयोग . अरेचें अव . कांहीं शब्दांपुढें यांतील अचा लोप होतो ; जसें - कायहो - कांहो .
आकस्मिक आनंद - आश्चर्य यांचा उदगार .
०जाहो   अ . आदरपूर्वक बोलणें , हांक मारणें . कोणी थोर आला असतां त्यास अहोजाहो म्हणावे . [ अहो + जा + अहो ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
अहो   1. (instead of अहा [= अ॑हर्] in comp. before the letter र्).
अहो  n. 2.ind. a particle (implying joyful or painful surprise) Ah! (of enjoyment or satisfaction) Oh! (of fatigue, discontent, compassion, sorrow, regret) Alas! Ah! (of praise cf.[Pāṇ. 8-1, 40] seq.) Bravo! (of reproach) Fie! (of calling, [Kum. iii, 20] ) Ho! Halo! (of contempt) Pshaw! Often combined with other particles of similar signification, as अहो धिक् or धिग् अहो, अहो बत, &c.


अहो [ahō]   ind.
A particle showing (a) surprise or wonder; often agreeable (ah, how great or wonderful); अहो कामी स्वतां पश्यति [Ś.2.2;] अहो मधुरमासां दर्शनम् [Ś.1;] अहो बकुलावलिका M.1 Oh, it is बकुला˚ (meaning 'I did not expect to see you here'); अहो रागबद्धचित्तवृत्तिरा- लिखित इव सर्वतो रङ्गः [Ś.1;] अहो रूपमहो वीर्यमहो सत्त्वमहो द्युतिः Rām. (how wonderful his form &c.). (b) Painful surprise; अहो ते विगतचेतनत्वम् [K.146.]
Sorrow or regret in general; ('alas,' 'ah'); अहो दुष्यन्तस्य संशयमारूढाः पिण्डभाजः [Ś.6;] विधिरहो बलवानिति मे मतिः [Bh.2.91.]
Praise ('bravo', 'well done'); अहो देवदत्तः पचति शोभनम् [P.VIII.1.4] [Sk.]
Reproach ('fie', 'shame'); अहो वो धिग्बलं क्षात्रम् [Mb.]
Calling out or addressing; अहो हिरण्यक श्लाध्योऽसि [H.1.]
Envy or jealousy; कटमहो करिष्यसि [P.VIII.1.41] Com.
Enjoyment, satisfaction.
Doubt (probably for आहो q. v.).
In the sense, obvious, plain, clear; (प्रसिद्ध) अहो- ष्मान्तर्गतश्चापि गर्भत्वं समुपेयिवान् [Mb.12.253.11.]
Sometimes merely as an expletive. Prov. अहो रूपमहो ध्वनिः (used to convey the idea of mutual adulation, the ass complimenting the camel upon its fine form, and the camel the ass upon its melodious voice); अहो नु खलु (भोः) generally indicates surprise, often agreeable (आश्चर्य) अहो नु खल्वीदृशीमवस्थां प्रपन्नोऽस्मि [Ś.5;] अहो नु खलु भोस्तदेत- त्काकतालीयं नाम [Māl.5.] अहो बत shows (a) compassion, pity, regret; अहो बत महत्पापं कर्तुं व्यवसिता वयम् [Bg.1.44;] (b) satisfaction or admiration (संतोष); अहो बतासि स्पृह- णीयवीर्यः [Ku.3.2] (Oh, how enviable is your prowess; Malli. here takes अहो बत in the sense of संबोधन; (c) addressing, calling; (d) fatigue &c. (अहो बतानुकम्पायां खेदे संबोधने) Nm. (अहो धिगर्थे शोके च करुणार्थविषादयोः । संबोधने प्रशंसायां विस्मये पादपूरणे ॥ असूयायां वितर्के च प्रायशोहो प्रयुज्यते । अहो बतानुकम्पायां खेदामन्त्रणयोस्तथा ॥). -Comp.
-पुरुषिका = आहोपुरुषिका   q. v.
-लाभकर a.  a. (अल्पेऽपि लाभे, अहो लाभो जात इति विस्मयं कुर्वाणम्) satisfied with very little; [Mb.5.133.27.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
अहो   ind. A particle and interjection of,
1. Reproach, (fie !)
2. Compassion.
3. Regret, (ah ! oh !)
4. Calling, (ho ! hola !)
5. Praise, flattery, approbation.
6. Fatigue, weariness.
7. Surprise, (ah !)
8. Doubt, deliberation, (either, or.)
9. Contempt, sneer- ing.
10. An expletive.
E. neg. हा to go, and डो aff.
हा डो

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