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   { aṅgārḥ, aṅgāra(m), aṅgāra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गार  n. m. (rarely) n. (√ अग् or अङ्ग्, [Uṇ.] cf.अग्नि), charcoal, either heated or not heated
अङ्गार  m. m. the planet mars
   also title or epithet).">N. of a prince of the मरुत्s, [Hariv.]
   the plant हितावली
अङ्गार  m. m. pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a people and country, [VP.]
अङ्गार   [cf.Lith.angli-s; Russ.ūgolj; also Germ.Kohle; old Germ.col and colo; Eng.coal].


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गारः [aṅgārḥ] रम् [ram]   रम् [अङ्ग्-आरन् [Uṇ.3.134.] ]
   charcoal (whether heated or not); घृतकुम्भसमा नारी तप्ताङ्गारसमः पुमान्; उष्णो दहति चाङ्गारः शीतः कृष्णायते करम् [H.1.8;] नालास्त्रार्थाग्निचूर्णे तु गन्धाङ्गारौ तु पूर्ववत् [Śukra.4.135.] त्वया स्वहस्तेनाङ्गाराः कर्षिताः Pt.1 you have ruined yourself with your own hands; cf. "to dig a mine under one's feet." कुरुकुलाङ्गार Ve.6 destroyer or pest of the kuru family.
   The planet mars.
   A plant हितावली, ˚कुष्टकः- हितावली.
  N. N. of a prince who fought with king Māndhātr.
-र a.  a. red, of a red colour.
-रम्   red colour. -Comp.
-अवक्षेपणम् [अङ्गारा अवक्षिप्यन्ते अनेन करणे ल्युट्]   also
-अवक्षायणम्   (Śat. Br.xiv) a vessel or pincers (mar. चिमटा) to throw or extinguish coals-कर्करिः (री) f. A thick cake baked on burning coals-कारिन् a. [अङ्गारं करोति कृ-णिनि] one who prepares coal for sale, [Mb.2;] मालाकार इव ग्राह्यो भागो नाङ्गारकारवत् [Śukra.4.223.]
-कुष्ठकः [अङ्गारवर्णं कुष्ठमिव-कन्]  N. N. of a plant हितावली.
-धारिका [स्वार्थे कन्]   a portable fire-pan, brazier.
-परिपाचितम् [तृ. त.]   roasted food or meat.
-पर्णम् [अङ्गारमिव पर्णं यस्य]  N. N. of a grove or forest. (-र्णः) [अस्त्यर्थे अच्] N. of Chitraratha, king of the Gandharvas. [On one occasion, while he was sporting with his wife, he saw Kuntī with her five sons proceeding to the capital of Pāñchāla in disguise. he accosted them and asked them to tell him where they were going, or to fight. arjuna accepted the challenge; but Aṅgāraparṇa finding arjuna to be a very skilful warrior gave him a secret lore called Chākṣuṣī (enabling one to see the smallest things) and took from him in return a lore called Agniśirāstra and became a friend of the Pāṇḍavas.]
-पात्री -शकटी   a portable fire-pan.
-पुष्पः [अङ्गारमिव लोहितवर्णं पुष्पं यस्य सः]   the plant इङ्गुदी.
-पूरिका   (see अङ्गारकर्करिः)
-म़ञ्जरी, -मञ्जी [अङ्गारा रक्तवर्णा मञ़्जरी यस्याः]   a shrub Cesalpinia Banducella (रक्तकरंजवृक्ष).-वल्लरी,
-वल्ली [अङ्गारा इव रक्तफलत्वात् रक्ता]  N. N. of various plants, करंज, भार्गी, गुञ़्जा. also Guilandina Bonducella (mar. सागरगोटी).
-वृक्षः   Balanites Aegiptiaca (mar. हिंगणबेट).
-वेणुः [कर्म.]   a sort of bamboo.
-सदनम्   A portable fire-pan.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अङ्गार  mn.  (-रः-रं) charcoal, whether burning or not, but more usually the latter.
  m.  (-रः) A name of the planet mars; from his fiery colour.
   E. अगि to go, and आरन् aff.
अगि आरन्

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