निपत् [nipat] 1
[P.] To fall or come down, descend, alight, sink down; निपतन्ती पतिमप्यपातयत्
[R.8.38;] [Bk.15.27.] To be cast at, be directed towards; निपेतुरन्तःकरणै- र्नरेन्द्राः
[R.6.11.] To throw oneself down (as at the feet), fall prostrate; देवास्तदन्ते हरमूढभार्यं किरीटबद्धाञ्जलयो निपत्य
[Ku.7.92;] [R.4.5;] [Bh.2.31.] To fall or descend into, meet in; त्वय्येव निपतन्त्योघा जाह्नवीया इवार्णवे
[R.1.26.] To fall upon, attack, rush at or upon; सिंहो शिशुरपि निपतति मदमलिनकपोलभित्तिषु गजेषु
[Bh.2.38.] To happen, occur, take place, fall to one's lot; सकृदंशो निपतति
[Ms.9.47.] To be placed, occupy a place; अभ्यर्हितं पूर्वं निपतति.
To flow in, discharge into.
To fall into ruin.
To fall into (any state).
To be miscarried (as the foetus). -Caus.
To cause to fall down, throw or hurl down.
To kill, destroy; तातं निपात्य सह बन्धुजनाक्षितोयैः
[Mu.5.7;] [Pt.3.63.] To inlay, emboss.
To direct (the eyes) upon.
To spit out.
To raise or levy (as a tribute).
(In gram.) To put down as a special or irregular form, to mention as an irregular formation; एते पञ्चविंशतिरजन्ता निपात्यन्ते