दिष्ट mfn. mfn. shown, pointed out, appointed, assigned (दिष्टा गतिस्, ‘the appointed way’ i.e. death, [R. ii, 103, 8] ) fixed, settled directed, bidden, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. दिष्ट m. m. time, [L.] a sort of Curcuma, [L.] N. of a son of मनुवैवस्वत, [Pur.] दिष्ट n. n. appointed place, [ChUp. v, 9, 2] aim, goal, [TBr. ii, 4, 2, 2 &c.] allotment, assignment, decree fate, destiny, [AV. x, 3, 16] ; [MBh.] direction, order, command, [BhP. v, 1, 11 &c.] ; [Rājat. iv, 121] a description according to space and time (i.e. of a natural phenomenon), [Sāh.]