m Breath. Increased respiration, panting, puffing, blowing; also impeded respiration, gasping. Fig. High opinion of self; also swelling desires and projects, ambition. Energy, vig our, stamina, resolution, confidence, spirit, mettle. Strength, spirit, virtue (as of medicines or drugs). Power of suspending respiration. A draw, or pull (of a smoking pipe). घे, पी, ओढ दम कोंडणें v To have one's breath, or fig. one's spirit or ardour, stopped or repressed. दम खाणें Pause or take breath Wait, stop a little, have patience. दम घेणें Pause, take breath or rest. दम छाटणें Suspend or hold in the breath. Have patience. दम टाकणें-सोडणें Throw up hope, courage, &c. Take breath. दम देणें Scold vehemently. Encourage or inspirit. दम धरणें Hold the breath. Pause, rest, stop a little. Take courage. Wait a while, have patience. दम पाहणें Try the mettle of दम मारणें Take a pull or whiff (as at a smoking apparatus). Gulp down. दम लागणें Be quick, hard, laborious-breathing. दम सुटणें Fail or sink-courage or confidence. एका दमानें With one breath or sustained effort. m Self-restraint, i.e. subduing the senses. Suppressing the passions &c.; also endurance of austerities.