स्नु 1. (cf. √ 1.स्ना) cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 29] ) स्नौति (accord. to [Vop.] also स्नुते; only in pres. base; Gr. also pf. सुष्णाव, सुष्णुवे; fut. स्नोता or स्नविता &c.), to drip, distil, trickle, emit fluid, yield milk, [BhP.] (cf. प्र-√ स्नु) : Caus. स्नावयति (aor. असुष्णवत्) Gr. : Desid. of Caus. सिस्नावयिषति or सुस्नावयिषति, ib. : Desid. सुस्नूषति, ib. : Intens. सोष्णूयते, सिष्णवीति, सोष्णोति, ib. [cf. Gk. νέω, νεύσομαι]. स्नु 2. (ifc. ) dripping, trickling, sprinkling (See घृत-स्नु). स्नु m. 3.n. (accord. to [L.] also m. abridged fr. सानु and occurring only in instr. abl. sg. , स्नु॑ना, स्नो॑स्; and in instr. loc. pl. स्नु॑भिस्, स्नु॑षु) the level summit or edge of a mountain, table-land, surface, height, [RV.] ; [VS.] स्नु f. 4.f. = स्नायु, a sinew, tendon, muscle (only occurring in स्नु-तस्, ‘from the sinews or muscles’), [BhP.] स्नु 5. a कृद्-अन्त affix to roots forming adjectives expressive of an aptitude to do what is implied by the root, [Vop.]