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   { śuṅgḥ, śuṅga }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚUṄGA   A dynasty. Puṣyamitra was the founder of this dynasty. Puṣyamitra was the military commander of Bṛhadaśva, the last king of the Maurya dynasty. it was after killing Bṛhadaśva that Puṣyamitra founded this independent dynasty. The Kings who belonged to this dynasty, namely Puṣyamitra, Vasujyeṣṭha, Vasumitra, Antaka, Pulindaka, Vajramitra, Samābhāga and Devabhūmi ruled for 112 years. [Matsya Purāṇa, Chapter 272, Verses 26-31] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुङ्ग  m. am. (etymology doubtful) the indian fig-tree (= वट), [L.]
   Ficus Infectoria, [L.]
   Spondias Mangifera, [L.]
   the awn of corn, [L.]
   the sheath or calyx of a bud, [L.]
   N. of a man (pl. his descendants), [Pravar.] (cf.[Pāṇ. 4-1, 117] )
   pl.N. of a dynasty which succeeded the मौर्यs (sg. a king of the Ś°dyn°), [Pur.]
शुङ्ग  n. bn. the sheath or calyx of a bud, (fig.) effect (opp. to मूल, ‘cause’), [ChUp.]
   Ficus Infectoria, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुङ्गः [śuṅgḥ]   1 The (indian) fig tree.
   The hog-plum.
   The awn of corn.
   A sage; U&ntod.1.113.
   ङ्गम् The sheath of a bud (opp. to मूल); तत्रैतच्छुङ्गमुत्पतितं सोम्य विजानीहि नेदममूलं भविष्यतीति [Ch. Up.6.8.5.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुङ्ग  m.  (-ङ्गः)
   1. The indian-fig tree, (Ficus Indica.)
   2. The hog-plum, (Spondias mangifera.)
  f.  (-ङ्गा)
   1. The sheath or calyx of a young bud.
   2. The waved-leaf fig.
   3. The awn of barley, &c.
   E. शम् to rest or pacify, aff. गच्; form irr.
शम् गच्;

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