Dictionaries | References


   { śuktiḥ }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  शुक्तिका


शुक्ति (आंगिरस) n.  एक सामद्रष्टा आचार्य [पं. ब्रा. १२.५.१६]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A pearl-oyster. Pr. शुक्तिकेपासून मौक्तिक. 2 A half of an oyster-shell, cockle, muscle, or other bivalvular shell.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  A pearl-oyster.


  स्त्री. शिंपी . कां शुक्ति ते शुक्ति । हे होय प्रतीति । - ज्ञा १३ . ११३८ . २ मोत्यांचा शिंपला . निडाराचेनि कोंदाटें । मोतियें नावरती संपुटें । मग शिवणी जैशी उतटे । शुक्तिपल्लवांची । - ज्ञा ६ . २६६ . शुक्तिमान् - पु . सात कुलाचलांपैकी एक पर्वत . सप्तपर्वत पहा .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुक्ति  f. f. (prob.fr.1.शुच् and orig.shining, bright’) a pearl-oyster or oyster shell (eight sources of pearls are enumerated by Sch. on xii, 40">[Kir. xii, 40] , other words. From Latin videlicet">viz. clouds, elephants, fish, serpents, bamboos, conch-shells, boars, and oyster shells), [Kauś.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   a small shell or cockle, [L.]
   a portion of a skull (used as a cup &c.), [W.]
   a bone, [BhP.]
   Tamarindus Indica, [L.]
   unguis Odoratus">unguis odoratus, [L.]
   any perfume or fragrant substance, [R.]
   a curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast, [Śiś.]
   a measure of weight (= 1/2 पल or 4 कर्षs), [ŚārṅgS.]
   a partic. disease of the cornea, [Suśr.]
   hemorrhoids, [L.]
शुक्ति  m. m.N. of an आङ्गिरस, [PañcavBr.]
सुक्ति   of a mountain, [MārkP.] (w.r.)
   pl.N. of a people, [VarBṛS.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुक्तिः [śuktiḥ]  f. f. [शुच्-क्तिन् [Uṇn.4.191] ]
   An oyster shell, pearl-oyster; पात्रविशेषन्यस्तं गुणान्तरं व्रजति शिल्पमाधातुः । जलमिव समुद्रशुक्तौ मुक्ताफलतां पयोदस्य ॥ [M.1.6;] [Bh.2.67;] [R. 13.17.]
   A conchshell.
   A small shell, muscle.
   A portion of the skull.
   A curl of hair on a horse's breast (or neck); आवर्तिनः शुभफलप्रदशुक्तियुक्ताः [Śi.5.4;] see Malli. thereon.
   A kind of perfume.
   A particular weight equal to two Karṣas.
   A bone; मुनेः शुक्तिभिरुत्सिक्तो भगवत्तेजसान्वितः [Bhāg.6.] 1.13. -Comp.
-उद्भवम्, -जम्   a pearl.
-कर्ण a.  a. shelleared.
-खलति a.  a. completely bald.
-चूर्णकः   a variety of inferior gems looking like an oyster shell; [Kau.A.2.11.]
-पुटम्, -पेशी   a pearl-oyster shell.-बी(वी)जम्,
-वधूः   the pearloyster.
-स्पर्शः   dusky spots on a pearl.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुक्ति  f.  (-क्तिः)
   1. A pearl-oyster.
   2. A conch.
   3. A small shell.
   4. A cockle.
   5. A sort of perfume, in appearance a dried shell-fish.
   6. A portion of the skull used as a cup, &c.
   7. A curl or feather on a horse's neck or breast.
   8. A weight of two Karshas or half a Pala.
   9. A disease of the cornea, formation of specks on it.
   E. शुच् to sorrow, &c., aff. क्तिन् .
शुच् क्तिन् .

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