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   { śārṅga }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ŚĀRṄGA   Śrī Kṛṣṇa's bow. The following facts about the bow are gathered from the Mahābhārata.
(i) When Kṛṣṇa exhibited his Viśvarūpa (cosmic form) in the assembly of the Kauravas he had held in one hand this bow. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 131, Verse 10] .
(ii) Kṛṣṇa's Śārṅga is on a par with Indra's bow called Vijaya. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 4] .
(iii) Śārṅga is one of the three divine bows. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 5] .
(iv) Śārṅga was made by Brahmā and presented to Kṛṣṇa. [M.B. Southern text, Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 141] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शार्ङ्ग  mfn. mf()n. (fr.शृङ्ग) made of horn, horny, corneous, [Suśr.]
   derived or taken from the plant शृङ्ग (as poison), [Yājñ.]
   armed with a bow, [Bhaṭṭ.]
शार्ङ्ग  m. m. a kind of bird, [MBh.] (cf.शार्ग)
   patr. of various vedic ऋषिs, [RAnukr.]
शार्ङ्ग  n. n. a bow (esp. that of विष्णु), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Pur.]
   fresh ginger, [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of various सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शार्ङ्ग [śārṅga]   a.
   made of horn, horny.
   having a bow, armed with a bow; [Bk.8.123.]
   र्ङ्गः, र्ङ्गम् A bow (in general); शार्ङ्गाकर्षावमुक्तप्रशिथिलकविका प्रग्रहेणात्र देशे [Mu. 6.9;] [Bk.8.123.]
   The bow of Viṣṇu; शार्ङ्गं पुनर्धनुर्दिव्यं विष्णोः परममायुधम् [Dhanur.44;] शार्ङ्गं धनुर्मित्रमिव द्रढीयः [Śi. 3.2.]
-शार्ङ्गः [शृणातेः गण् शकुनौ   Uṇ.1.118] A bird; also शार्ङ्गकः; तस्मिन् वने दह्यमाने षडग्निर्न ददाह च । अश्वसेनं मयं चैव चतुरः शार्ङ्गकांस्तथा ॥ [Mb.1.228.47.]
-र्ङ्गम्   wet ginger. -Comp.
-धन्वन्  m. m.,
-धरः, -पाणिः, -भृत्  m. m. epithets of Viṣṇu.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शार्ङ्ग  mfn.  (-र्ङ्गः-र्ङ्गी-र्ङ्गं)
   1. horny, made of horn, &c.
   2. holding a bow.
  n.  (-र्ङ्गं)
   1. A bow in general.
   2. The bow of VISHṆU.
   E. शृङ्ग a horn, अण् aff.

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