Dictionaries | References


   { śamba }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्ब  m. m. (derivation doubtful) a weapon used by इन्द्र (accord. to someइन्द्र's thunderbolt’, but cf.शम्बि॑न्), 42, 7">[RV. x, 42, 7] (= वज्र, iv, 2">[Naigh. iv, 2] )
   the iron head of a pestle, [L.]
   an iron chain worn round the loins, [W.]
   a partic. measure of length, [L.]
अनुलोम-कर्षण   ploughing in the regular direction (= ), [L.]
   the second ploughing of a field, [W.]
शम्बर   also title or epithet).">N. of an असुर (cf.), [TBr.] Sch.
शम्ब  mfn. mfn. happy, fortunate, [L.] (cf.शं-वत्, col. 2: p. 1054, col. 2">p. 1054, col. 2)
   poor (?), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्ब [śamba] म्भ [mbha]   (म्भ) a. [शम्ब्-अच्]
   happy, fortunate.
   poor, unfortunate.
   म्बः, (म्भः) The thunderbolt of indra.
   The iron head of a pestle.
   An iron chain worn round the loins.
   ploughing 'with the grain' or in the regular direction.
   The second ploughing of a field.
   A particular measure of length. (शम्बाककृ means 'to plough twice'; त्वया शम्बाकृतं क्षतम् [N.2.83,] doubly pierced). -Comp.
-पाणिः  N. N. of indra (having a thunderbolt in his hand); कण्ठेकालेन कैलासःमेरुः शम्ब- पाणिना [Śiva.B.1.6.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शम्ब  mfn.  (-म्बः-म्बा-म्बं)
   1. happy, fortunate.
   2. poor, indigent.
  m.  (-म्बः) 1. indra'S thunderbolt.
   2. The iron head of a pestle.
   3. An iron chain worn round the loins.
   4. The second ploughing of a field.
   E. शम् happiness, and possessive aff.; or शम्ब् to accumulate, aff. अच्; it is also read सव, शंव, and सम्ब .

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