व्रज m. 1.m. (for 2. See p. 1042, col. 1) a way, road, [L.] व्रज n. n. wandering, roaming, [W.] व्रज f. 2.m. (n. only, [RV. v, 6, 7] ; ifc. f(आ). ; fr. √ वृज्) a fold, stall, cow-pen, cattle-shed, enclosure or station of herdsmen, [RV.] &c. &c. व्रज m. m.N. of the district around अग्र and मथुरा (the abode of नन्द, of कृष्ण's foster-father, and scene of कृष्ण's juvenile adventures; commonly called Braj; cf. वृजि), [Inscr.] संग्रामः सव्रजः a herd, flock, swarm, troop, host, multitude, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. ( ‘a fight with many’ [MārkP.] ; व्रजो गिरिमयः, prob. = गिरि-व्रज, q.v. , [Hariv.] ) मेघ a cloud (= ), [Naigh. i, 10] N. of a son of हविर्-धान, [Hariv.] ; [VP.]