Dictionaries | References


   { vyapadēśḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vyapadēśa m S designation or indication by a name or an appellation. 2 A name, an appellation.



A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्य्-अपदेश  m. m. representation, designation, information, statement, [RPrāt.] ; [ŚrS.] &c.
   a name, title, [Uttarar.]
   a family, race, [Śak.]
   summons (of an army), [R.]
   appeal to (gen.), [Pañcat.]
   talk, speech, iii, 8665">[MBh. iii, 8665] ([Nīlak.] )
   a partic. form of speech, [MW.]
   fame, renown (see comp.)
एन   fraud, stratagem, pretext, excuse (, under pretext or excuse [also -तस्] ifc. = under the pretext of), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यपदेशः [vyapadēśḥ]   1 representation, information, notice; अलं वै व्यपदेशेन धनुरायच्छ राघव [Mb.3.99.49.]
   designation by name, naming.
   A name, an appellation, a title; एवं व्यपदेशभाजः [U.6.]
   A family, race; अथ कोऽस्य व्यपदेशः [Ś.7;] व्यपदेशमाविलयितुं किमीहसे जनमिमं च पातयितुम् [Ś.5.21.]
   fame, reputation, renown; also in adjectival senses; व्यपदेशकुले जाताः पूजिताश्चाप्यभीक्ष्णशः [Rām.4.64.21.;] Ms.7 168.
   A trick, pretext, excuse, device; भारतव्यपदेशेन ह्याम्नायार्थश्च दर्शितः [Bhāg.1.4.29.]
   fraud, craft.
   concealment, dissimulation; [Māl.7.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यपदेश  m.  (-शः)
   1. dishonesty, fraud, craft.
   2. stratagem, device. 3. name, appellation.
   4. information, notice, apprising.
   5. hint. 6. excuse, pretext.
   7. family, race.
   8. fame, repute.
   9. naming.
   E. वि and अप before दिश् to show, aff. घञ् .
वि अप दिश् घञ् .

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