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   { pārṣṇiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


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पार्ष्णि n.  चेकितान राजा का सारथि


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पार्ष्णि  f. f. ([L.] also m.; rarely f(पार्ष्णी). ; fr.पृष् ? cf.iv, 52 Sch.">[Uṇ. iv, 52] Sch.) the heel, [RV.] &c. &c.
धुर्   the extremity of the fore-axle to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached (the two inner horses being harnessed to the , or chariot-pole), [MBh.]
°णिम्   the rear of an army ( √ ग्रह् with gen., to attack in the rear), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.]
   the back, [W.]
   a kick, ib.
   enquiry, asking, ib.
   a foolish or licentious woman, [L.]
कुन्ती   also title or epithet).">N. of a plant (= or कुम्भी), [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पार्ष्णिः [pārṣṇiḥ]  m. m. f. [पृष्-नि नि˚ वृद्धिः; [Uṇ.4.52] ]
   The heel; [Bhāg.7.8.31;] उद्वेजयत्यङ्गुलिपार्ष्णिभागान् [Ku.1.11;] पार्ष्णिप्रहार [K.119;] प्रतनत्रिकपुच्छमूलपार्ष्णिम् [Bu. Ch.5.73.]
   The rear of an army.
   The back or rear in general; शुद्धपार्ष्णिरयान्वितः [R.4.26] 'with his rear cleared of foes.'
   A kick.
   desire of conquering.
   inquiry. (-f.)
   A licentious woman.
   An epithet of Kuntī.
   The extremity of the fore-axle of a four-horse chariot. -Comp.
-ग्रहः   a follower.
-ग्रहणम्   attacking or threatening an enemy in the rear.
   ग्राहः an enemy in the rear; ˚चिन्ता N. of a chapter in Kau.A. (7.13). बलिनोऽफजलस्यैते पार्ष्णिग्राहाः प्रमाथिनः [Śiva.B.21.] 6;24.44; also 12.15.
   a general commanding the rear of an army.
   an ally who supports a prince; [Bhāg.7.2.6;] पार्ष्णिग्राहं च संप्रेक्ष्य तथाक्रन्दं च मण्डले [Ms.7.] 27.
-घातः   a kick; क्षितिं विधुन्वन्निव पार्ष्णिघातैः [Ki.17.5.] -त्रम् a rear-guard, a body of forces in the rear, reserve.-वाहः an outside horse.
-विग्रहः   an attack by an enmy in the rear; मा विधान्मुधा कृतानुतापस्त्वयि पार्ष्णिविग्रहम् [N.9.] 134.
-सारथिः   a charioteer who drives one of the outside horses.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पार्ष्णि  mf.  (-र्ष्णिः)
   1. The heel.
   2. The rear of an army.
   3. The back. 4. enquiry, asking.
   5. A kick.
  f.  (-र्ष्णिः)
   1. A violent or licen- tious woman, one intoxicated literally or figuralively, &c.
   2. A name of KUNTĪ the mother of YUDHISHṬHIRA.
   E. पृष् to sprin- kle, &c. Unādi aff. नि.

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