ग्राह mfn. amf(ई)n. ([Pāṇ. 3-1, 143] ) ifc. seizing, holding, catching, receiving, [Yājñ. ii, 51] ; [R. iv, 41, 38] कर्ण taking (a wife), [Yājñ. ii, 51] (cf. -, गिल-, धनुर्-, पाणि-, पार्ष्णि-, वन्दि-, व्याल-, हस्त-) ग्राह f. m. a rapacious animal living in fresh or sea water, any large fish or marine animal (crocodile, shark, serpent, Gangetic alligator, water elephant, or hippopotamus), [Mn. vi, 78] ; [MBh.] &c. (ifc. f(आ). , iv, 2017; xvi; [R. ii] ) ग्राह m. m. a prisoner, [L.] the handle (of a sword &c.), [Gal.] ग्रह seizure, grasping, laying hold of [Pañcat. i, 10, 1] (v.l. for ) morbid affection, disease, [ŚBr. iii] ऊरु-ग्राह paralysis (of the thigh, , [AV. xi, 9, 12] [उर्°MSS. ] [MBh. v, 2024 and vi, 5680] ) नाम ‘mentioning’ See - fiction, whim, [Bhag. xvii, 19] conception, notion of (in comp. ), [Vajracch. 6 and 9] ग्राह b°हक, &c. See √ ग्रह्.