Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पतञ्ज(ञ्च)लि  m.  (-लिः)
पतञ्ज(ञ्च)लि   1. The name of a saint or Muni and teacher of the yoga philosophy, thence called after him PĀTANJALA; also the author of Mahābhāshya or commentary on PĀNINI.
पतञ्ज(ञ्च)लि   2. A name of the poet VARARUCHI.
पतञ्ज(ञ्च)लि   E. पत् falling, अञ्जलि the hands joined as a mark of respect; having fallen from heaven, it is said, in the shape of small snake, into the hands of the saint PĀNINI as he was performing this act of reverence.

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