Dictionaries | References


   { daiśika }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   daiśika a S relating to a country or a district; national, provincial, territorial, local.


 वि.  १ प्रारब्धवादे . २ दैवासंबधीं . [ सं .]
०वाद  पु. प्रारब्धवाद ; दैववाद .
०वादी वि.  दैववादी .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दैशिक  mfn. mf()n. (fr.देश) relating to space (opp. to कालिक, [Bhāṣāp.] ) or to any place or country
   local, provincial, national, [MBh.] ; [R.]
   a native, [Rājat.]
   knowing a place, a guide, [MBh.]
देशिक   showing, directing, spiritual guide or teacher, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] (cf. and देश्य)
दैशिक  n. n. a kind of dance, [Mall.] on 35.">[Megh. 35.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दैशिक [daiśika] a.  a. (-की f.) [देशेन निर्वृत्तं तस्येदं वा-ठञ्]
   local, provincial.
   national, belonging to the whole country.
   belonging or having reference to space; Bhāṣā. [P.12.]
   acquainted with any place.
   teaching, pointing, directing, showing.
   कः A teacher, preceptor; शुको गतः परित्यज्य पितरं मोक्षदैशिकम् [Mb.12.321.94.]
   A guide.
   one instructed by the prcceptor; [Bhāg.11.27.22.]
   local people; हस्तिनोऽश्वा रथाः पत्तिर्नावो विष्टिस्तथैव च । दैशिकाश्चाविकाश्चैव तदष्टाङ्गं बलं स्मृतम् [Mb.12.121.44.]
-कम्   a kind of dance; cf. [Me.37.] Malli. Com.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दैशिक  mfn.  (-कः-की-कं) provincial, national, belonging to a country, produced in it, &c. देश, and ठञ् aff.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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