तृष् 1.cl. 4. °ष्यति (p. तृ॑ष्यत्Ā. °षाण॑pf. तातृषाण॑, [RV.] [तत्°, vi, 15, 5]; 3. pl. तातृषु॑र्, x, 15, 9; aor. Subj. तृषत्, [AV. ii, 29, 4] ; ind.p. °ष्ट्वा॑, xix, 34, 6; °षित्वा and तर्षित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 25] ) to be thirsty, thirst, thirst for, [RV. &c.] : Caus. (aor. 1. pl. अतीतृषाम) to cause to thirst, iv, 34, 11; तृष् [cf. Goth. thars, thaursus; τέρσομαι] तृष् mfn. 2.mfn. ‘longing for’ See अर्थ- तृष् f. f. ([Siddh. stry. 23] ) thirst, [MBh. xiv] ; [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛ.] &c. strong desire, [L.] Desire as daughter of Love, [L.]