छन्दस् n. 1.n. ‘roof’ see बृह॑च्- deceit, [Uṇ.] छन्दस् n. 2.n. desire, longing for, will, xii, 7376">[MBh. xii, 7376] ; [Pāṇ. 4-4, 93] ; [Kāś.] intention, purport, [W.] a sacred hymn (of, [AV.] ; as distinguished from those of [RV.] ; [SV.] and, [YajurV.] ), incantation-hymn, [RV. x] ; [AV.] ; ---11--- ; [MBh. v, 1224] ; [Ragh. i, 11] the sacred text of the vedic hymns, xi, 5, 7, 3">---14--- ; [ĀśvGṛ.] ; ---16--- ; [Gobh.] ; [VPrāt.] ; [Pāṇ.] ; [Mn.] &c. छन्दस् metre (in general, supposed to consist of 3 or 7 typical forms [[AV.] ; [VS.] &c.] to which विराज् is added as the 8th [viii, 3, 3, 6">[ŚBr. viii, 3, 3, 6] ]; opposed to गायत्रि॑ and त्रिष्टु॑भ्, 14, 16">[RV. x, 14, 16] ) metrical science, [MuṇḍUp. i, 1, 5] ; [MBh. i, 2887] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Śrut.] °दो-ग्रन्थ = , ix, 2, 6 Sch. ">[Nyāyam. ix, 2, 6] Sch. ; छन्दस् [cf. Lat. part of Etymology of ">scando, ‘to step, scan.’] छन्°दस् a &c. see, text' as the preceding">ib.