क्षिति f. 1.f. dominion (Comm.), xiii, 76, 10.">[MBh. xiii, 76, 10.] क्षिति f. 2.f. an abode, dwelling, habitation, house (cf. also उरु- and सु-क्षिति॑, ध्रुव॑.), [RV.] ([Naigh. i, 1] ) the earth, soil of the earth, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. the number ‘one’ [Bījag.] अयस् () settlements, colonies, races of men, nations (of which five are named; cf. कृष्टि॑), [RV.] (said of the families of the gods), iii, 20, 4"> iii, 20, 4 उरु estates, [Rājat. v, 109] (cf. - and सु-क्षिति॑, धारय॑त्-, ध्रुव॑-, भव-, रण-, समर-.) क्षिति f. 3.f. wane, perishing, ruin, destruction, [AV.] अ the period of the destruction of the universe, end of the world, ---10--- (cf. -, अ॑सुर-.) क्षिति a 3. क्षिति b see √ 1. 2. and 4. क्षि. क्षिति m. 4.m.also title or epithet).">N. of a man, [Pravar.] क्षिति f. f. a sort of yellow pigment, [L.] a sort of base metal क्षिति-क्षम = (s.v. 2.क्षिति॑), [Gal.]