केदार n. m. ( n., [L.] ) a field or meadow, especially one under water, [Mn. ix, 38 & 44] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. कपिलस्य क्° , ‘ कपिल's field’, N. of a तीर्थ, [MBh. iii, 6042 ff.] मतङ्गस्य क्° , ‘ मतङ्ग's field’, another तीर्थ, 8159a basin for water round the root of a tree, [L.] a bed in a garden or field, [W.] plain, area, KātyŚr. xviii, 5, 4 Sch. N. of a particular constellation, [VarBṛ.] of a राग (in music) of a mountain country (the modern Kedār, part of the हिमालय mountains, [W.] ), [MBh. vi, 427] ; [NandiP.] N. of शिव as worshipped in the हिमालयof the author of a work entitled अब्धिकेदार n. n.N. of a तीर्थ, [MatsyaP.] of a लिङ्ग, ib.(in the हिमालय), [ŚivaP.]