कृतान्त mfn. amfn. causing an end, bringing to an end, leading to a decisive termination,
[BhP. ix, 6, 13] whose end is action, W
कृतान्त m. m. ‘the inevitable result of actions done in a past existence’, destiny, fate,
[R.] ;
[Pañcat.] ;
[Megh.] ;
[Vet.] death personified,
N. of
यम (god of death),
[MārkP.] ;
[Hit.] a demonstrated conclusion, dogma,
[Bhag. xviii, 13] a conclusion,
[MBh. xii, 218, 27] (in
Gr. ) a fixed form or name (?),
[Pat.] Introd. (on
Vārtt. 1) and on
[Pāṇ. 1-1, 1] ,
Vārtt. 4
a sinful or inauspicious action,
[L.] ‘closing the week’, Saturday,
[L.] कृतान्त b &c. See
कृतान्त cकृता-र्थ See
p. 303, col. 2.