काशि m. am. ‘shining’, the sun, [L.] the clenched hand, fist, handful, [RV. iii, 30, 5; vii, 104, 8; viii, 78, 10] ; [Kauś.] N. of a prince (the ancestor of the kings of काशि, of the family of भरत, son of सुहोत्र and grandfather of धन्वन्तरि, [Hariv. 1734] ; the son of काश्य and grandson of सुहोत्र, [BhP. ix, 17, 4] ) अयस् m. m. pl. () the descendants of this prince, [BhP. ix, 17, 10] N. of the people of काशि, [ŚBr. xiii] ; [MBh.] &c. काशि f. f. ‘the splendid’, N. of a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage (the modern Benares, usually written काशीq.v. ), [Uṇ. iv, 119] fine cotton or silk (from काशि), [Divyâv.] काशि bकाशिक See col. 2.