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   { upanata }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उप-नत  mfn. mfn. bent towards or inwards, [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Kāṭh.]
उप नत
   subdued, subjected, surrendered
   dependent on (for protection &c.), [Āp.] ; [MBh.] ; [Ragh.] &c.
   brought near to, approached, near (either in form or space)
   fallen to one's share
   brought about, produced, existing, being, [BhP.] ; [Megh. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपनत [upanata] p.p. p.  p. p.
   (a) come near, brought, arrived, approached, brought near to; [Ś.5.19;] [R.12.12;] (b) got, obtained; अचिरोपनतां स मेदिनीम् [R.8.7,5.52.] चिन्तितोपनताम् [K.129;] [V.3.22;] [V.2.]
   Presenting itself, fallen to the lot of, befallen, occurred; कस्यात्यन्तं सुखमुपनतं दुःखमेकान्ततो वा [Me.111;] यदेवोपनतं दुःखात्सुखं तद्रस- वत्तरम् [V.3.21;] अनुपनतमनोरथस्य 22;4.3; so सुहृदुपनतः [Me.12;] [Māl.1;] [K.33,132,348;] सुख˚ that readily or without efforts presented itself [Ś.3;] अकामोपनतम् [R.1.39] unconsciously committed.
   formed, brought about, effected.
   presented to, offered, given; पर- लोकोपनतं जलाञ्जलिम् [R.8.68.]
   bent down, humbled, subjected, surrendered; दण्डोपनतचरितम् [R.17.81;8.81;] दण्डोपनतं शत्रुम् [Mb.]
   dependent on (for protection).
   approximate, near (in time or space.)


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपनत  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं) approached, approximate, near, (either in time or place.)
   E. उप near, नम् to bow, affix क्त.
उप नम् क्त

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