अशिव [aśiva] a.
Inauspicious, causing or threatening mischief; अशिवा दिशि दीप्तायां शिवास्तत्र भयावहाः (रुरुवुः)
[Rām.] Unlucky, unfortunate.
Unkind, unfriendly, envious.
Pernicious, dangerous.
-वः N. N. of a certain divine being.
-वा A female demon or goblin.
वम् Ill-luck, misfortune; grief; आपूरितं विमानं तद्भय- शोकाशिवाश्नुभिः
[Rām.7.24.5.] Mischief.
Comp. आचारः improper behaviour, rudeness of conduct.
conduct opposed to every (sacred) authority.